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Friday, April 19, 2013


Blahhhhhh... I had a really nice post I had composed this morning... It was nice and thoughtful and I put a lot if effort into it...
Then the rest of today happened....

Are you ever having a bad day? For no particular reason, except a ton of built up, tiny things that just finally make you beyond irritated? This has turned into an irritating, toxic week... I hope I'm not the only ones?

I have went to the gym ZERO times this week, and ate cakes, and buffalo wild wings, and treats, and junk basically; finally when I motivate myself to go to the gym the kids club there is full; which they failed to tell me before I got there. So then I decided to go to Wal Mart to grab a few things, which always turns into a few more things... Boston and I ended up waiting in the checkout line for TWENTY freaking minutes, while she was crying the whole time, to end up getting crowded in front of by an idiot lady. I ended up be impolite and telling the cashier I would absolute not donate to whatever they were asking me to because the service here blew today.

The wonderful baby daddy in my life is being a tool and refusing to pay the court ordered half of child care and not getting caught up on things he needs to, till I am forced to once again do something legal about it. Im completely sick of being the ONLY one to pay for anything; babies are not cheap! And, do not scold me for not thinking he is made of rainbows and sunshine at the moment; I do not talk about him to my baby at all, so my opinion is mine, and not being passed along to my Boston.

I think this week I have managed to fight with nearly every person I can. I'm irritated and grumpy and the damn (yeah I swore, get over it) rain is getting completely old.

I will work on getting this piss-poor mood I have out of the way so I can give actual happy updates about Boston and I, cause I promise their are a plethora of them.

If you have a happy, nice, inspiring words you can send our way... PLEASE DO...

Oh I got this today... And this nice messages inspired me...She is smart and she is powerful. And smart powerful women don't just curl up in a ball when they have been wounded, they strike back.

I'm sorry to disappoint, but contrary to belief, I am not Mary Sunshine ALL the time; I am human.

Ashlynn&Boston BRONSON


  1. I love you Ash! If you need anything please let me know :) And Olivia says hi.

  2. Oh, I'm sorry. I have those weeks, too! I still think you are so amazing! You are such an inspiration to me. Thanks for being such a good example to any young girl. Amy
