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Saturday, February 6, 2016

I Never Said I Was a Role Model & other real things

If you read my blog or are friends with me on social media and you are looking for diet or health tips... I'm not your girl. Some days when I have to work I grab a can of Soda before I dash out the door and I become a hermit in the winter so any fun exercising I would do (hiking mostly) gets shot down the drain until it warms up.

My religion has some very intense, strict but well meaning guidelines. If you are a part of this religion you know this as well. You should also be aware that I am not a shining example of this religion. I'm a rule breaker. If you read my blog or are friends with me on social media know this and even more so know so that I am okay with that. I think for a while I have just been figuring that all out but I am honest about it. I could never be the type of person who fakes their way through life to appease others and use it as a subjective emotional bandage. I got a tattoo on Wednesday... so far I had 3... a white ink, "B" for Boston and her birthday on my foot. On Wednesday I got a little tiny bear print behind my ear that can only be seen if my hair is up. I love it. It represents that "mama bear' title I so proudly take on. I didn't try hiding it. I can't be that person. Sometimes I think something terrible and then because of who I am I say it. Word Vomit. I'm going to be honest. I don't pray for my enemy, I'm not that Christ-like. I usually end up praying that one day they choke on all the shit they talk instead.

If you are friends with my on social networks because I might have so mom advice you could use trust me when I say I don't.... Boston is three and literally these last few years I have guessed and googled my way through pregnancy to now. I hope for the best and hope I am doing the best. I still go crazy along the way after we have a power struggle about her washing her hands after using the restroom. Mom life isn't all sunshine and rainbows but even when their are huge storms it does have its pot of gold moments after (did you like that cheesy metaphor?).

I could go on and on but I just felt that I needed to share this....I am authentic... yes, I am a small accumulation of pieces of all of the people that I have run across during my life time but I am also still just me. I have anxiety, I nervous in big crowds, I'm constantly awkward, I bite my nails, I am short tempered, I eat way too much sugar, I'm not a huge fan of animals and I would rather order a cheese burger over a salad on a first date any day. I am not a role fact I have people who I look up to tremendously and they literally are nothing like the person I am but more like the person I want to be. I guess that's my random post for this Saturday morning....I got asked what I write about in my blog... what is it's theme... fitness, church, cooking healthy (I fail at that miserably). After realizing that my life nor my blog have a real theme other than realness and my journey in life and motherhood I decided I was more than okay with that.


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