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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

More than just content..

"Before you were conceived
I wanted you
Before you were born
I loved you
Before you were here an hour
I would give my life for you
This is the miracle of life."

It still blows my mind that such a tiny little person can change my life completely. I have reached the point that I feel more sad for someone who only try's to ruin motherhood for someone else.

Seriously it amazes me the support we have gotten, from people I never expected. I am so happy I grew up in a supportive town like Preston where so many people have been so kind to my daughter and myself.

We have some some amazing things coming up, we have only the best people in our lives, we are more than just content, we are happy. 

Ashlynn&Boston BRONSON

1 comment:

  1. Ashlynn, your mom and grandparents are respected and loved by so many from our town, you coming from them means we love and respect you.
    It means so much that you give credit to our town that helped raise you.
    You are an amazing strong mom.
    Admired by more than you know.
    I am so happy i got to watch you grow up and turn out to be so much like your mom. Best wishes and chin up.

