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Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Hose

I tell people I grew up in Preston but to be more honest I grew up ten minutes outside of Preston. It's not even a town but its called Fairview, it's mostly just a really large field. When my grandpa was alive and was farming he owned a lot of the land in Fairview and with his four kids he gave them each a section to build their houses on. Two of my uncles live really close to my grandparents, one uncle sold his and moved far away and my family lives a few miles from my grandparents. Where they all live its more of a clay dirt around their homes, good for growing things. Where I grew up is sand, lots and lots of sand. 

I loved the sandhill past the backyard. A strange hobby/game for the neighborhood friends and myself was digging holes. One summer night I was helping my parents with yard work and I was watering the lawn with the hose. I went pass the grass with the hose and started watering the sandhill. I placed the hose into the sand and the strangest thing happened, it just kept going. Now that I am older I realize that is a common thing to happen, for the strong pressure to push away the sand, but at the time I was so amazed. It just kept going and going till finally our long garden hose stopped. I went to pull that garden hose out and it was stuck. It would not budge at all, no matter how much I pulled at it and tugged it wasn't going anywhere. Because of the pressure that formed tightly around it the hose would not budge. Finally, with tears in my eyes, I went and told my parents what had happened. They fixed it, they weren't pleased I ruined an expensive hose, they still laugh about it sometimes, but they fixed it. They are great parents. I have been blessed with awesome parents and I realize some people havnt been. 

I'm not quite certain why but that memory has been on my mind a lot lately. 

1 comment:

  1. Are you saying she is burying herself? I want sure on this. But it still helped me be more dedicated to team ash and bost
