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Saturday, April 20, 2013


Besides me being in the worst possible mood yesterday l, which I'm still not certain why I even was, this week has been great. I took a terrible break from my eating clean habits and ate an entire bag of cookies, I will be even more honest and admit that it was a two and a half pound bag from Peppridge farm. I woke up to find cookie crumbs in the bed and wanted to blame Boston, till I remembered it was me that ate a ton in the middle of the night.

We went swimming with almost of of the family Thursday, which was super fun. But mostly we have been really lazy. The rain has got the best of us. Last night the poor girl could tell I was grumpy so she crawled into the living room and fell sleep by herself on the floor there, that has never happened.

When she woke up to end the day on a bright note I gave us matching teal manicures,which she loved!

Today since I didn't want to take her out in the cold I made a little imprint of her hand. I mixed together a 1/2 cup of salt 1/2 a cup of flour and 1/4 a cup of water. Molded it how I wanted then stuck her little hand in and baked it at 200* for three hours. Super easy, espcially for a non-crafter like myself. My friend, Rachel is an amazing artist so she is going to paint it cute for me.

I also gave myself a deep conditioning treatment with some natural products.. I am licensed cosmetologist so for be buying hair products is cheaper but still expensive. I also like natural anything as much as I can. Next week I will be posting the directions for a few of my favorite at home ones.

This morning my poor baby fell and blood was gushing out all over her little mouth. At the moment I then realized that I still have so much left to learn in the motherhood role. I didn't know what to do, was grossed out from a the blood and completely terrified. My mom came down and we got it all taken care of.

Thanks for the kind messages and thoughts you have sent us this week! We love them all and they mean so much! We have something super awesome to announce that we have been working on and cant wait! Oh... and my computer is from 1927 and it is terrible! I need a new one, I am on a single mom budget so it cant be super expensive, but if you have any good suggestions I would love to hear them.

Ashlynn&Boston BRONSON
Some of the best moments (and things) in life are unplanned**


  1. This broke my heart! I hope your baby Boston is doing ok! You are a great mom, the best! I wish I could look like you after eating two and a half lbs of cookies!

  2. You are a good mom, we all question ourselves when our littles fall and get hurt. But they all do it. And it breaks our hearts but they are very resilient. It seems that while Papa Bear is away for training, Baby Bear takes it upon himself to try every single daredevil thing he could. Sheesh! We will just say that I visited the ER a few times. lol Oh this boy keeps his Mama on her toes!
