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Sunday, May 12, 2013


I thought Boston and I would share a few of our Mothers day pictures with everyone! We hope your day was as great as ours!

Ashlynn&Boston BRONSON

Boston let us sleep in till 8:00 today... best present ever!

Apparently matching wasn't fun this time...
Boston and Bracken.

Just playing in the water with my naked baby.

The number one reason I love Mother's Day... this girl!

and, yep, she sure did put the goggles and sunglasses on by herself.

"You are just like your mom," is the best complement I recieve...I didnt take any pictures with my mom today... oops... but happy we got to spend it with her and the rest of the family. I am so lucky to have a mom that has ALWAYS loved Baby Boston.

...and this was our winner, Dixie Swensen, whom Boston and I met today to deliver the prize's to! She was just as amazing as described to us. Chelsea sent us this picture of her awesome mom and her prizes! 


  1. U r beautiful! Boston is beautiful! She is so lucky to have a mom like u! I am sending some things to u through email that u can use for court if I need. To bad some people didnt have moms to teach them

  2. Ashlynn jay bronson I love you and miss b! I want to see ya cute girls soon! Best and hottest mom in the world. Happy Mother's Day! You are such a good example to me. I'm so happy that the trash isn't bothering you anymore or if she is trying you are rising above it. When I am in Logan lets get together with our kids?

  3. Ashlynn I tried to comment with my name and it wouldn't let me. I don't know if it was my computer or your system. Anyways I just wanted to let you know what an example of strength you are to me and so many people. I can only imagine how hard it is dealing with her, I have dealt with her more than once and I can somewhat relate to what it's like for you.
    I stumbled on your blog through the malicious things being said about you by her. Please know that so many of us think you are great and love reading about you and Boston and your positive attitude. Keep up your good work. It's not going unnoticed
