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Monday, February 29, 2016


I can't sleep.... which, inevitably means that it's the perfect time to go over every decision I have made in the past few years and second guess my life's choices.

I have had this friend, Sam, since I was a Jr. in high school that I lived with before I had Boston. I also lived with our other friend, Chance, as well. I don't have a brother so I could be off but I love those two what I assume loving a brother would be like so I feel like I can write this about them. When we lived together they were the typical college guys.... I liked to call them the bro's. They had part time, carefree jobs, went to the gym often, went to parties, and lived it up. I moved out and had Boston and they went on with their lives still letting me be an occasional participant in their lives. I don't see them as often now but Sunday I caught up with them to have lunch. They have now moved to the bigger city, they have graduated and have their degree's, they have jobs that require their degree's, they go do yoga on Sunday mornings and frequent cool diners to have brunch at. I found myself, for the first time, feeling behind. 

Selfie with the bro's on Sunday.

I know that their are ample amounts of quotes and sayings about how everything you do in life is at your own speed and how you are exactly where you are meant to be but I am finding myself feeling like I need to progress more. I have lived in the same place since I was 7 months pregnant with Boston (December 2011) and I have worked with the same company since 2009. I am satisfied with both of these things just as I am satisfied with being Boston's mom... I am satisfied with my friends and the activities in mine and my daughters lives. You know how Ariel from The Little Mermaid has a darn good life...? She is King Tritons daughter, she has all of those sisters, her best friend, Flounder, is great to her and she has an awesome collection of treasures yet she just feels like she needs something else? And, yes, please excuse me for the animated Disney reference but we watch a plethora of those shows at our home but that is how I am feeling. I love my life, my daughter, my family and my friends but at the same time I feel the need to progress in some sort of way I can't explain as well.

I finished writing this and I am crossing my fingers that the melatonin and Lavender essential oil kicks in and I can finally fall asleep like my sweet Boston. Is my timing is life completely off...?Maybe this is a mid-midlife crisis... who knows but (kind) suggestions are welcome.


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