Brag/proud mom moment! She wrote her name!
She is at a fun age where she is wanting to play and learn and explore all of the time and also at the age where I heard her say, mom, mamma or mommy 36 times in a three minute period (I literally counted). I can't really complain right now, life is good, minus these stupid allergies. I still have some of the drama we deal with but I just wanted to write all good things today.We had to go up to my old high school a day last week and she found my old locker. She felt pretty cool, obviously. Way too cool.
Also, I am proud to say that my daughter is 'that kid' in her dance class.
But really she loves it so much and she loves Miss Jane her teacher this year and Miss Ashley her teacher from last year. She always loves to send and receive snapchats from them.
Miss Jane
Miss Ashley
We spent all of last weekend trying to figure out how to fly a kite (mother of the year... I didn't know how to). When she finally got it to work she was soooooooo happy.
We had a playdate this week with my friend, Kenzie, (which I am now discovering how much I freaking love playdates.... Bost plays so hard and it makes bedtime ten times easier and I get to talk to adults) and her ADORABLE kids! It was so cute to see Boston love playing with Hayden and Sophie.
We took a selfie a few weeks ago... since we havn't for a while. This is the best we got, because she is four and can't hold still for the life of her.
Catch-up on me....I can't stand mouth breathers and I am now one once again because of allergies. I have discovered I love Muddie Buddy's way too much. I work part time ish. I still am borderline obsessed with naps. I bought the prettiest phone case... I wish I could share a picture of it but it's on my phone. I have been mourning the fact that I don't get to see the result of the cliffhanger of The Walking Dead until FREAKING October. I have watched all of U.S. History, Crash Course on YouTube when Boston goes to sleep. It's like 49 episodes but it's so good, check it out. I'm stocked up on swimsuits for the summer and I mean really stocked up. I'm just living life ya know... trying to take the bad with a grain of salt and excessively laughing off the rest of the bad while being overly thankful for all of the good I have been blessed with. I have my super awesome family, some really great friends and the best little girl I could have ever imagined, being a mom is pretty cool and right now I'm just living my life in the pursuit of happiness.
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