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Sunday, May 1, 2016


So, I'm turning 30 in two weeks... A while ago I was like, "No big deal, it's not that old" and now as it's getting closer I'm more like, "Holy $&*@ how did this happen, where did my twenties go, I'm so old!"

The other night my mom and I went shopping and she asked me what advice I would give my 20 year old self. I gave an honest answer and told her I wouldn't bother telling 20 year old Ashlynn a dang thing because she would not listen at all. 

Random fact... on my 20th birthday I got engaged and two months later I got married. I had to dig into my Myspace to find this picture of me with my nephews.

20 years old and getting married was something I wasn't ready for, don't get me wrong it works awesome for some people, my sister, Emily, got married at 18 and they have an amazing marriage. Although he is a good guy I just don't think either of us were ready. So, I summed up my 20's like this... I got married, I got divorced, I went to USU, ISU, but haven't quite graduated yet, graduated from cosmetology school, had a surprise pregnancy and made about 5,000 stupid choices. I was borderline about to throw myself a pity party for screwing away a decade of my life when I looked at it from a different perspective so I changed it up. I got to experience marriage, some people never get to do that, because of the divorce I was able to meet soooo many amazing friends that I would have never met. I got to experience three different schools, I learned a heck of a lot from my stupid experience and I learn best by experience and an unplanned pregnancy gave me the person I needed more in my life than anything, it gave my life a purpose. I guess changing your perspective can change so much (don't quote me on that, on my actual birthday the pity party might creep up).

My twenties did change me a bit, I may be less quick to judge someone and see the good in them. I guess circumstances hardened me a little bit and maybe that is something that needed to happen. My advice for those about to embark on their 20's..... have fun, you have the rest of your life to get your act together. Be kind, or at least as kind as you can be. Get your dang education taken care of and finished. Take care of your skin. Don't trust the guy you think is pretty cute until he 100 percent proves to be trustable. Hang out with your family every chance you get; they are the ones who always have your back. Visit your grandparents EVERY single time you can, make time to just go visit them because when they are gone you will strongly regret the Sunday you didn't make it up to their house for Rootbeer Floats. And lastly don't take anything that happens in your life with the thought that it is the worst or best thing, that it can't get any worse or any better. Pain can be temporary and so can happiness. 

That's all the advice I have... check on me in two weeks though when I am fervently checking for wrinkles and complaining of an aching back. 


And once again... I am so grateful beyond anything else I got to meet this one in my 20's.

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