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Sunday, June 5, 2016

Be Kind

Today I was at the gas station with my sister. The kids were in the car (with teenage kids and the air on all who may be worried). Two little blonde boys in front of us were trying to buy two bags of chips. The problem was is that they were trying to pay for these checks with a check that was written out to them for ten dollars and not the gas station. The cashier was super kind and explained to them how money worked as best as she could. They looked defeated as they went to put the chips back. I offered to pay for their chips along with my soda. They acted grateful and kind and even tried to give me the check that would have done me no good. They were sweet boys who were just that, boys. They didn't get how money or the world worked.

Now, I didn't share this story so I could pat myself on the back publicly and promote that I am a good Samaritan. I didn't pay for it so the cashier would think I was a kind person. I paid because I hoped to myself that if one day my own little girl was confused and in a situation like that someone would help her. I am sharing this story in hopes that maybe just one person will read it and this week pay it forward. Am I a saint? Heck no. I have said and done more things than I can admit to. But, I am working on it. The three dollars I spent on chips for two little blonde boys helped me way more than it probably did for them. So, I am challenging myself (and whoever reads this) to try to just do one kind thing for someone you meet. I heard the saying once, "Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." Wouldn't it be a cool world if we made each others battles a little easier? I will forever be grateful to the people who showed me kindness when they had nothing to gain from it. HUGE disclaimer... this is not me preaching but rather something I am writing because it is something I desperately need to work on myself.


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