The first few years of Boston's life Boston's dad moved far away and didn't see her on Father's Day. And, once again I thought to myself how stupid this holiday was and it just wasn't fair.
When you have a bad attitude about something you tend to miss all of the good things you have going for you because you are too intrigued with counting your losses.
The year my dad passed away my grandpa John stepped up and helped my mom with every single thing. I am speaking for so many people who know him and all 17 of his grand-kids when I genuinely say we were so lucky. If he had a dime and somehow someone needed a nickel he would work really to make sure he could give them fifteen cents. I was about five months pregnant when my mom said you need to go tell your grandparents you are having a baby. I went and told them, nervous about their reaction. My grandma thought I was teasing... I was known to do that to her. I waited for my grandpa's response when he got a really peaceful and happy look over him when he told me it now made sense. He said he had a dream that a brand new grandbaby was going to help when he passed away and it must be her. I was so confused at the time he was seemingly healthy. Ironically enough he died when she was just a few months old. He got really sick and had to go to the Heritage Home the last few weeks of his life. My mom would bring Boston up there and he specifically asked to just hold her. I can not wait for the day she understands this story and I can tell it to her.
After my dad, Michael, had been gone for a while my mom met and married Kevin. When I talk to any of my coworkers and friends and say something like, "I have to call my dad," he is who is I am talking about. He came into my life peacefully... never once trying to replace Michael. He was respectful. He never once walked in and just made it known he was the new dad in the house. And for that we have what we have now. He has made sure that Boston and I have never gone without. He was the one who gave her a blessing in our church when she was born. He has been a CONSISTENT figure in her life. Being a single mom is tough. Being a single mom who doesn't even know how to open the hood to her car is even tougher. The thing is I actually have it pretty good. My car has always been taken care of because of him. I am 99% positive I drive him crazy when I need his help or advice or for him to unclog my vacuum... but he does it. On that note I have two of the best brother-in-law's imaginable. Do I really know how to fish? Hell no. But a little girl has to do that stuff and my brother Rob has always made sure to include Boston with his kids on fishing adventures. Plus, I am still able to con him into helping me change my light bulbs at our house. My other brother Kyle has always been so great and one day when Boston's babysitter was sick on short notice Uncle Kyle came and picked Boston up so I cold still work, playing with her all day and buying her treats and a butterfly catcher.

Uncle Rob taking Boston to lunch after she broke her leg.
So, for me this could be a hard holiday, but it's not. It makes me truly realize how blessed my life has been. Yeah, I am a single mom but I can say without a doubt I have had a great team of men who have ALWAYS been in my daughters life. And, respectfully I hope that my daughter's father has a great Father's Day. He helped me create my baby girl and I will always be thankful to him for that.
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