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Friday, July 5, 2013


It's been brought to my attention that the person Boston's "dad" is with is still trying to cause issues with me. She has caused so much hurt and heartache to mine and my daughters life and I constantly wonder when enough will be enough? When will someone who see's my child so little stop talking about her to hurt me? When will someone who is known as a bully and a liar, someone who is downright mean stops pretending she is a victim. When will someone who made a joke of my daughters birth stop using her to get recognition and attention.

I know I am so blessed with the family I have and my friends who have supported me. I have been blessed with the support of so many, people who i have known for years and some i have never met.I have been blessed with the ORS finally intervening to get child support garnished so that my daughter can start getting the financial support she deserves. After her being alive for 16 months we are finally getting what she deserves. It's such an upsetting thing that someone who was sneaking around with my child's "father" while I was in labor, who has said things to intentionally hurt me such as calling herself "Boston's mom" or saying my baby's last name is different than BRONSON. Although I don't get along the best with Boston's "dad" I can be civil enough if needed to him. We are capable of decency except for the fact that her motive almost daily is to stir up tension. He is ordered to pay half of child care costs and because of her rudeness he will most likely get taken to small claims court by our childcare provider for refusing to pay. She has told my friends terrible things about me, told others they are "dead to her" for talking to me and even sent a horrible message to an incredibly kind person who sponsored a giveaway on my blog. 

I don't know her, I have never been offered an apology from her from what she did to my child's birth and my labor. I only know what her friends have told me of her or what has been shown to me from public records and I will be more than honest I am wary of it. The first time she met my child she hurried and posted a picture on social networks in an attempt to hurt my feelings with vindictive captions. If you are a mother you can understand why this is such a slap in the face. She has told people that she planned on sleeping and bathing with my child when Boston spends a short amount of time with her "dad"'in attempt to make me upset, which I found more disturbing and disgusting  than anything.

How many times does a new mom have to be harassed and demeaned? How many more months will I have to cry over her doing such vindictive things? I have had people I don't even know that know her tell me how she constantly berates me as a mother, how she belittles me. I have had people say what her motives have been in this situation; and it breaks my heart. I have been bullied, I have had so many lies told, tears shed, sleepless nights, words twisted, everything  copied, stalked relentlessly and my daughter used as a pawn to hurt me. Your kind messages and nice thoughts mean so much but My heart constantly aches. I have been bullied enough... For what? I would love to keep writing about happy things, I don't want to be a victim but when we keep constantly getting victimized its hard. I have no other option but to be strong the past 16 months but this happening constantly makes it hard. 
I've about had enough. 



  1. Anyone who has ever met you for five minutes knows what an awesome mom she is. What she is doing can all be summed up in one word, jealousy. Don't let her jealousies get you down. Anyone who knows even the smallest about the situation knows that it has been you and your family that has been there for Boston and they can see what mean things she does. Keep your head up. So many people know what kind of person she is


  2. Keep your head up Ashlynn. She has proven she is a monster. Michael made the wrong choice, and he is paying for it now. He has to live with this monster, and on top of that he is missing out on his beautiful daughter's life. Boston will love you forever, because you have always and will always be there for her, he on the other hand I feel sorry for. I came from a broken home, and never new my dad too much, but my mom was the best!! She made up for the absents of a dad, and I turned out pretty darn good, if I do say so myself. Your a great mother and I know that Boston will feel the same as I do one day. She will love you always and forever, and she will turn out to be a wonderful person, because of you.

  3. She is makin mr sick. It's so gross to see what she does! I used to stand by her anymore but I can't when she does this. Everything of urs has been copied exactly. Who sleepers with someone while they have a kid on the way then try to turn the mom into the bad guy?? Then does everything they can to copy that mom n make that mom sad. U r a good person and I see it as well as others who were once siding with her. Be u. Be good for Boston like u have been and I will come out of this better

  4. If you haven't done so already, go to the police. Take every piece of evidence you have with you. Anything and everything that demonstrates her disgusting behavior. Stalking is illegal and you should not have to put up with this.
