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Saturday, July 6, 2013

July 6th

July 6th is a date which will live in infamy... At least in my history, anyways. July 6, 2011 was the day that a scared girl saw a positive line form on a cheap, grocery store pregnancy test. July 6 was the day that shaped my life; it is the day that prepared me for all of my upcoming days; good, bad, scary, happy and every kind in between.

So much has changed in the two years since. In those 730 days my life has has so many downs but even more ups. I have been blessed by the news I got two July 6th's ago.

July 6, 2011 I was a scared girl, I wasn't a very tough girl. I wasn't loving and I was naive, I saw only the good in people and situations. I was used to getting my way in most situations. Life was fun and carefree, never serious; it could be serious later.July 6th has changed me. I gave her life and she gave me a reason to live.

Ashlynn&Boston BRONSON


  1. U r a bad a mom. This was real sweet. I'm serious u should file some sort of order to get her to stop stalking u an tryin to be u. I Hurd about ur visit yesterday.. I'm lookin forward to wat u do with wat all u learned there. Bring her down. All her "friends" think u should

    1. I hope that made cents. Bad A mom. Like a dam good 1

  2. You probably got enough of what you were aster yeaterday but if not I will email you. I'm all for keeping her away from your child and i am so glad we could all help. I will send you a message. It's, right?

    1. Thank you!! Yes, I got a lot of what I needed yesterday. That is my email, myself and my family appreciates everything from yesterday and its going to make this so much easier for legal standings.
