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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Twisted truth

Isn't it funny that just yesterday she wrote about how she wanted to secretly "punch me in the throat"
and today in a last ditch attempt to look better she changed it.
You can only try to be two people before eventually confusing yourself. I have been told numerous times that she started dating Boston's dad because she liked the drama that this would bring I hope she is happy with the drama she is finally creating.

 Like I have said, I have proof, the court has seen the proof, and Boston can already tell. The people that matter know the truth. Her twisting words and attempting to make herself seem less mean and more like a victim really troubles me that there are really people that moral-less. I realized that she's just scared, sad, jealous girl who needs help but her constantly hating me won't make it better for her. I will always be Boston's mom, and I know that must be difficult for  her.  She has told her friends that her and Bostons "dad" will end up getting divorced because of me that is not a blame that I should have to take. I also realize many of you don't even know her and that's probably for the best.

I heard once "rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life." That is where a person like her put me and my child. It wasn't a fun place but it was a good starting point, a good building point.

I dont have to do a lot to prove that over 1000 is still left on back child support or that the child care provider is taking him to small claims court because they have been asking for months to get paid his court ordered half.  I dont have to do anything to prove she was spitefully sleeping with a man who had a child on the way, she has bragged about it herself. I dont need to prove that she has said she was going to try to force my baby to call her "mom". I dont have to prove the lies and mean things she has said, most people have seen them themselves. My family and I remember vividly the day his parents came into our home ready to fight trying to force adoption and begging to not tell his brother that was on a mission about Boston since they didn't want my pregnancy to "ruin his mission". The people that matter already know but what do I finally need to do so people know the truth?


  1. Ashlynn you need to bring the monster down I will do whatever I can to help.


  2. Wow, a birth of a child can ruin a persons mission huh? I've always thought of a baby as a sign of a miracle, not a tragedy regardless of the circumstances...What crazy people. You have many people on your side, keep your chin up. Better days are ahead.
