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Thursday, August 11, 2016

from dreams to goals.

I remember being in Jr. High School and High School and having my future planned out to a T. I knew what I wanted and I knew that I could get it.  I worked hard for good grades, I went to church, I paid my tithing... I did all of the things I knew I needed to do and was positive that I deserved all of the good things in life. Well, life has a funny way of just showing how wrong you can be. I heard once (I actually think it's a lyrics from some song) "that if you want to make God laugh all you have to do is tell him your plan," and that turned out true in my life.

Things started to not go for me like I invisioned that they should so I stopped putting forth the effort. That was my fault. I gave up on what I wanted most for what I wanted in the moment. And, the dreams I had when I was younger seemed to be just that, dreams. 

It's hard to do things on your own. Really hard. Michael Jordan was amazing but he didn't get those rings without the help of Scotty Pippen. Teamwork makes the biggest difference and your teammate is a game chager. 

This post probably comes off as fairly vague. It kind of is. But, I'm just feeling so grateful, so content. Scratch that, I want to go with the word happy over content. The things that I used to pray for and dream for when I was younger arn't just dreams anymore but goals that I am so excited to reach.


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