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Monday, July 8, 2013

Two types of people

 There are two types of people in the world those who like jennifer anniston and those who like Angilina Jolie. It says a lot about a person...

We would like to point out that I have never once text who Boston's "dad" is with only responded to her disgusting messages. If people know who she is its because she has relentlessly been trying to gain notoriety from myself and my baby. I could in fact care less what she does in her spare time as long as she doesn't do it in front of my child. She can have as many DUI's as she wants (the past is great but not when it wasnt tbat long ago) but when it come to my child's safety I will intervene, as would any worried mom. I  have however been contacted by various people who have some very important legal things to tell me about her and I have loved the opportunity to hear about these things as they will be handy in the near future. Since Boston was born I have had a plethora of people who knew her and didnt know me message me things about her... Those things are all things I could care less about, they are humorous but not anything worth making a deal over. She can talk bad about me all she would like, or stalk me or do whatever but at the end of the day I am her husbands child's mom... And she will always just be the person he was sleeping with and sneaking around with while I was pregnant. Every social behaviors class I have taken show her issues stemming from jealousy and that is sad.

We posted we were going to Wyoming as a little test on twitter Saturday just to prove how much she stalks me and sure enough she does. I didn't have to go to Wyoming only answer a phone call, it was just as effective. 

Please continue to bring me up every day and following my every move, in the end it's not only annoying but going to cause some pretty big problems. These are small examples of why my daughter will not be impressed by you. But since you choose to keep this up... We will have a good time with it.. Like we will be posting the disgusting messages sent to me from Boston's "dads" mom, clear from when she begged for adoption to the very mean things she said a short time ago. And many more things... This is difficult for me because this is something I truly do not like writing about, but apparently it doesn't end if I don't. I don't care what Boston's "dad" does, as long as he pays his child support (which it's finally being garnished) and try's to be decent to my baby. This has been enough and I am so sick of her constantly attempting to drag my name through the mud and stay relevant by bringing myself and my child up.

1 comment:

  1. Ashlynn I am so sorry you have to deal with her. She is insane. Please let me known what I can to do help

